3RD SAM Annual International
Welcome Message
It is our pleasure to invite all midwives and healthcare professionals who works in the maternity services to the 3rd Annual International Midwifery Conference of the Saudi Association of Midwifery 2025.
This year our meeting is outstanding by the spirit of the scientific and organizing committees and the group of international guests from different countries.
We are in an exciting period with midwifery being at the forefront of these exciting changes. We want to strengthen our midwives so they feel valued, educated, and autonomous midwifery practitioners. In this conference, we will put you in the experience of the most recent advances in the field of Midwifery.
This conference will provide the opportunity for international exchanges, to disseminate research evidence related to midwifery with a particular focus on clinical practice, education, leadership, and research. It will support personal growth and development, leadership, collaboration, and organisational change whilst raising the profile of midwifery in Saudi Arabia.
For those seeking to expand their knowledge of the field and learn about the most up-to-date advancements and discoveries, this conference cannot be missed. We are filled with great excitement and anticipation for what is sure to be an unforgettable and valuable experience. It is our sincerest hope that, the SAM 2025 Conference will bring all of us together to share in the common goal of advancing and developing our knowledge and skills in the field of Midwifery.
We look forward to welcoming you to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for the 3rd SAM Annual International Midwifery Conference.

Dr. Roa Altaweli
President of the Saudi Association of Midwifery
3RD SMA Annual International
3RD SMA Annual International

Dr. Atf Ghériss

Dr. Jameela Mukhaimer

Dr. May A Katab

Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee
Media and Public Relations Committee
Our Sponsors